We have particular knowledge and experience of thatched and period properties and if contemplating the purchase of an older property or one where it is evident that there are numerous defects, we would recommend that you consider commissioning a Building Survey. This is a thorough, although non-intrusive, inspection of the property that provides a detailed report with recommendations for approporiate remedial works along with an extensive schedule of photographs.As well as the overall structure and fabric of the property, the report looks at such matters as dampness, timber decay and movement, making further detailed comment on the services and drainage where possible.
A commercial building is generally significantly more complex than a residential property as, not only are they usually larger, but are subject to a variety of controlling legislation and where leasehold, subject to repairing covenants. We carry out Pre-Acquisition Surveys for all purposes, adapting these to suit the purchaser's requirements in strict adherence with the latest Guidance Notes published by the RICS for Commercial Building Surveys.
In the event of a building dispute for alleged defective workmanship or the requirement for a specialist Single Joint Expert report, we have experience in acting as an Expert Witness in preparing reports in the appropriate format for the Courts, acting strictly in compliance with the 'Surveyors acting as Expert Witness' practice statement produced by the RICS, acting under the revised Civil Procedure rules, Associated Practice Directions and Pre-Action Protocols.
In recent years there has been an increased upsurge in legislation relating to buildings that has placed increasing responsibility on the occupiers to act as 'competent or responsible persons'. An example of this is the Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order 2005 which came into force in autumn 2006. The main effect of the Fire Safety Order was a move to greater emphasis on fire prevention in all non-domestic premises that reforms all current fire safety law with a view to reducing the burden by previous multiple overlapping fire safety legislation, with a principal reform being the abolition of fire certificates.

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